Select: This is a dropdown of all the available choices in the field that you choose. For this reason, you’ll want to avoid fields that have a lot of different values. Property Type is a good choice for a Select dropdown, MLS# is not.
Numeric Range: This is a dropdown of min/max range values generated by the rules you choose.
Start and End: the number that begins the range and the number that ends the range. For example, if the field is Price and you choose 10000 as the start number and 100000 as the end number with 10000 as the interval, you’ll get values like 10,000 – 20,000 and 20,000 – 30,000. Selecting 10,000 – 20,000 would return listings with prices between 10,000 and 20,000. Basically, a minimum of the low number and a maximum of the high number.
Range Interval: The amount between two values in the generated range list. Dynamic is tied to the order of magnitude of the low number. So if the low number is in the ten thousands, the interval will be 10,000. If the low number is in the hundred thousands, the interval will be 100,000. All the other intervals you can select are static and won’t change.
Numeric: This searches for the exact value you input, and allows number inputs but not letters or symbols. Because the value is exact, this is best for things like Zip Code and MLS Number.
Numeric Maximum: This search filter returns any listings with numbers in the selected field below the value searched for. If the field is Price and the number input is 100,000, the search is going to return all listings whose price is under 100,000.
Numeric Minimum: The same as Numeric Maximum, but the searched number is a lower bound rather than an upper bound.
Text Search: This filter accepts any character, and looks for any listings that contain the text searched for. Searching for ‘Park’ in the Description field would return listings with words like parked, parking, and city parks in the description.
Omnisearch is a text search that allows you to search multiple fields.
Field: This is what column in the MLS data your search will be applied to.
Filter Label: This is the text that will show up even when there is text in the input or an option is selected for a dropdown.
Filter Placeholder: This is the text that will show up in the filter before any text is input or any options are selected.